Coming soon the final list
Листа ће бити накнадно допуњења/ Coming soon the final list of keynote speakers
Antonio Avenoso
European Transport Safety Council, Belgium
Antonio AVENOSO has worked at ETSC since 2001, and was appointed to the role of Executive Director in 2008. Under his position, Mr Avenoso is responsible for leading the organisation’s advocacy efforts and manages several ETSC programmes, including ETSC’s Pin Report, which ranks EU Member States according to their road safety performance.
Alan Ross
International Road Safety Center, Belgrade, Serbia
Dr RОSS has more than 30 years’ experience of aid agencies and countries on road safety programmes, action plans, management and funding issues in over 60 countries. Author of several manuals on various road safety issues. IRSC is a new not for profit organisation and offers training and advice to help LMICs to address their road safety problems.
Krsto Lipovac
University of Belgrade, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia
Professor Krsto LIPOVAC is an eminent road safety expert, with more than 25 years of experience in local, regional and EU/International projects related to road safety. He sits on IRTAD’s Safe System approach Working Group and is a member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals.
Jonathon Passmore
WHO Western Pacific Region
Jonathon is an Australian public health road safety and injury prevention specialist. Since March 2013, he has been based in Manila at the WHO RO for the Western Pacific where he now coordinates all regional violence and injury prevention programmes, providing technical and other support on issues such as road safety and violence prevention.
Duško Pešić
Road Traffic Safety Agency
Duško Pešić has worked at Road Traffic Safety Agency since 2016. He was appointed to the role of Acting Director in 2020. Under his position, Mr. Pešić is responsible for leading the organization’s advocacy efforts and manages several RS programmes and activities.
Joze Hribar
Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency
Joze Hribar has worked at Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency since 2010, and was appointed to the role of Acting Director in 2019. Under her position, Mrs. Marinkov is responsible for leading the organisation’s advocacy efforts and manages several RS programmes and activites.
Katerina Folla
National Technical University of Athens
Katerina Folla is a Researcher and Ph.D. candidate at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She holds a Civil Engineering Diploma, majored in Transportation Engineering. She has 5 years of experience in traffic engineering and road safety and has participated in 14 research and transport engineering projects in Greece and abroad.
Tomaž Tollazzi
University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering
He currently holds courses in Transportation routes design, Road intersections and access points, Transportation infrastructure, Traffic safety etc. Research areas: transportation infrastructure, traffic safety, roundabouts, turbo roundabouts. During his academic career he has been involved in the EU project and in a number of national projects.
Milan Vujanić
TSG Serbia, Serbia
Professor Milan VUJANIC is a highly qualified road safety expert, with almost 40 years of experience in regional and local projects related to road safety. From the beginning of his carrier he was engaged in several traffic safety related activities, such as result oriented project work, traffic accident analysis and later
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